Monday, October 28, 2013

Half way there, yet the hardest is yet to come.

When I think about how long school has already been for this semester, it feels like an eternity sometimes! But, in reality, its only been about 9 weeks! So, a class a week, for those 9 weeks seems like very little time to learn. The funny thing though, in that short time, I've learned a lot! If not for anything else, I've learned more about my spur of the moment writing skills. This blog is a great example. We are given a topic, and we have to write. There's really no rules to it, just do it. I have surprised myself with how varied I seem to write. I tend to be very long-winded, both in talking and writing, and seeing a blog on the screen that's super long really shows me I need to still work on conciseness. I may never learn to keep my verbal "stories" short, but I am determined to get my writing style more condensed and to the point.

I keep saying I want to write more, yet there's always a reason that I don't take the time. Even though I am not entirely thrilled to have to write papers, research, find sources, and cite, at least it is writing. And so far, the topics for our papers have been pretty fun. I'd much rather get to write about something I made up (our ala "A Modern Proposal" paper)than something with a boring topic that's no fun. Learning about different writing styles, genres, voices, those are things that, for aspiring future writers, are good things to know. I know I will start writing eventually. I'll stop finding excuses, just sit down, and start. And I am confident that what I've learned thus far in this class will help me write my story!

For now though,I will focus what time I make to write on to the next paper that's soon to be due, and all that goes with it!

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