Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I before e, except after c.... the beginnings of my latest class... English 1020

Hello! Welcome to my blog! This first entry is supposed to be about what I've learned thus far in my college English II class, but I can't find where I put the notes I took for directions and pages in the book to read, so I hope what I do write will be appropriate. As I prepare for the newest semester of my on-going college career, I eagerly anticipate my English class on Tuesday nights. English as always been one of my strongest subjects, especially the writing part, but I don't always make time to explore and improve my writing abilities. Having someone tell me actual topics that I need to write about, and getting a grade based on how well I write, well, will help me to get with it, and write! Already this semester, 2 weeks in, we've had assigments for writing a letter, or essay, twice. Keeping the correct format was basically the only requirement, so I got to write about what I wanted, which is much easier, in my opinion, than trying to write about, say, a class-assigned topic of the invention of the light bulb. I tend to write too much, and that is a fault that I hope to improve in this class. I want to be able to get my point across, descriptively, while not boring the reader with un-needed "fluff". The essay I wrote was to show my teacher what writing skills I have, what I need to improve, etc, and I'm hoping I did a pretty decent job with it. I'd like to think I am good at writing, so we'll see! Another project I am truly excited about is this blog! I have wanted to be a blog-writer for as long as there have been blogs, but I just never had anything to motivate me into creating one. I love reading blogs, and would love to share my life and experiences and/or experience in something with other like-minded readers. Our task was to create this blog for class assigments, but I am really hoping that is only just the start to my blogging career, and now that the seed has been planted, I can make it grow into a bean stalk! I will keep my dreams of being an award-winning novelist on the back burner for now, focus on my class, and my blog, and eventually, learn all the skills to master this blog. After that, who knows? New York Times best-seller list... here I come!


  1. Yet another student with an excellent spoken/written voice. I love to hear students in their writing (not a cookie cutter version--as I've stated prior).

    I am pleased you are excited about the class, assignments, and most of all this blog. Many huffed and thought it would be unbearable...most are getting creative and more thoughtful with each post.

    Don't EVER put your dreams on the back-burner. This blog can be cultivated by you and it can "grow into a bean stalk" as you put it ;)!

    My friend just pumped out a Christian fiction novel. It just takes effort. Exercise, classwork, anything... can seem so unattainable or not "easy" to be accomplished. You can do it. I believe in your abilities. We can work on improving/attaining those goals together this semester!

  2. I like the image you added, Shannon! :)
