Monday, September 30, 2013

Suggesting the Unsuggestible

In order to get my English class prepared to write our first essay paper, we were asked to read "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift. Swift presented his answer to the serious issue of rampant starvation that was caused in Ireland during a period in history called The Great Irish Potato Famine. By his use of satire, Swift suggested a solution so ridiculous and unbelievable, it made solutions that were common sense seem obvious. Since families had too many children, and no way to feed them, Swift proposed that mothers begin "fattening up" their newborns, so that at one year old, these babies could be sold to the well-to-do to eat! As I was reading the story, at first, I was a bit confused as to what he was actually suggesting, but the more I read, the clearer it became to me that he was being sarcastic. He presented valid points as to why his proposal would work, as well as reasons opponents would shoot it down. Take away the whole inhumane part of his plan, and it would actually work. The fact is that people don't normally eat other people though, so to normal people, what he wrote was on the far side of extreme. I enjoyed reading the story, and then dissecting his meaning and the many different types of genres that he used in our classroom discussion afterwords. Swift was trying to get people to understand that if they wouldn't do what was needed to help improve their situation, then he wouldn't put forth the effort anymore to get their help.
Using the idea of a proposal, like Swift did, our first paper requires the topic of an issue, and what solution we'd come up with to fix it. For days, I struggled with my topic, because it can't be something that's been proposed already, and that's pretty difficult. I want to be original, have a good idea, and be entertaining all at the same time, but kept coming up blank. Then one day after work, I was walking to catch my bus, and not once, but three times, I encountered someone who just wasn't polite. For no reason, these 3 people acted rudely, and as a result, it affected others around them. It was at that moment, I found my topic. I want to cure rudeness, or least make people think twice before they are rude to others. Plain and simple. I think that once my idea catches on, everyone will be on board, and the world will be a much more pleasant place to live. I don't want to give too much information on what I'll be proposing here, just that I am sure that its going to be very popular and supported by everyone who is frustrated by rude people!


  1. I think this will be an awesome proposal and everyone should get a copy of it! :)

  2. I think you should write a set of laws for rude people. Ahh, I have encountered so many: co-workers, fellow students, strangers, drivers, etc...I'm sure many can give you ideas in class as well. Haha...
